Wireframe mental block

 From:  Michael Gibson
2908.5 In reply to 2908.1 
Hi Jean-Paul,

> I am struggling with this apparently simple shape.

Actually, shapes that kind of blend in many directions simultaneously and are not easily represented by a 2D profile curve are not really simple at all.

Often times things similar to that are more easily done in a polygon/sub-d modeling program rather than in NURBS.

But also you're basically trying to approach things in MoI with a strategy that is more oriented towards polygon modeling where you're trying to draw all the final edges of the resulting shape all in the beginning.

With NURBS modeling you should generally try to build some larger individual pieces, and then combine those together and fillet them to smooth things out between them - with this strategy you only draw a few original profiles and not a complete wireframe of all the final edges like you have done. Instead with the more typical NURBS strategy many of the edges will be the result of things like intersections and fillets and generated for you, rather than drawn explicitly at the beginning.

But as you get to shapes that are not well defined by 2D side profiles and are kind of looking like they are melting into different forms in multiple directions, that kind of stuff tends to be easier in sub-d or t-splines rather than in regular NURBS.

When you're trying to manually draw wireframes of things that look like they might be fillet or blend pieces, that's kind of an indication that things are not fitting well with MoI's workflow for that shape.

- Michael