Strange Sweep Ends

 From:  Michael Gibson
2879.7 In reply to 2879.5 
Hi NightCabbage,

> Instead of the profile defaulting to 100% of the profile size
> when the scaling rail runs out, couldn't it just either continue
> at the last known profile scale, or be 0?

It's a good idea, but unfortunately hard to fit in with the way sweep actually works.

It doesn't really go "inch by inch" along the rail, as it is building the sweep it can kind of bounce around and sample many different points as it refines the result. So "last known profile scale" is not really so easy to know.

Being 0 at all spots that are not intersected with the scaling rail would run the risk of making a degenerate surface that was all squished down so it looked like a curve... It's generally possible for surfaces to be squished to a point at their very end (just not with this particular scaling rail method) but it's not good for more of a length of a surface to be squished down degenerate like that instead of just the tip.

- Michael