
 From:  Kalthorn
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Michael, yes, I had seen the new menu option in V2 but I didn't think it would allow for the setup I desire.

I really like the default MoI setup of having my primary navigation button also being Enter/Repeat Command. Using it for navigation, I can Pan in three views and Rotate in the fourth. Adding a single modifier, Ctrl, I can then Zoom in all views....

Hmmmm, playing around with it now, I'm not sure why I changed the tablet's default Shift button to Alt, but Shift+RightClick gives me panning in the 3D View so I guess my problem is solved. Alt doesn't seem to have any important use for anything else (like Ctrl's "prefer deselection") so I'll ditch that key assignment.

So how does everyone else have their other assignments? I've found I like my bottom-most tablet button to act as Spacebar for quick view switching and my final one for Cancel. I haven't settled on a final assignment for the second pen button though. It's currently Reset View but I also liked it for Undo. I have no idea what I might use the touch strip for but it isn't really needed for MoI.

Also, does anyone, tablet or not, get disoriented when they pan too much vertically in the 3d view? Whenever I pan enough away from the grid or don't have geometry nearby for reference, I feel like my rotation has suddenly switched to first-person mode. I assume panning along z also raises the point of rotation so my guess is that I'm rotating around a point that is close to the camera and without close by objects to let me know I'm "swinging" around a point, it instead feels like I am turning in place. Would it be possible to have an option to lock the camera point of rotation within the extents of all geometry (perhaps just along Z)?