Need Boolean Difference help

 From:  Michael Gibson
2825.12 In reply to 2825.6 
Hi Burr,

> I created a sphere and did a circle array of a line with 8 as
> an amount to get the isect points and using the curve through
> points "seemed" to create a proper circle?

Yeah it will be pretty close but if you measured some things like curvature you would see some small differences from an exact circle.

> Maybe for my own knowledge Michael could expound a bit on
> the through ponts curve tool in regards to how it creates
> Tangency and curvature.

A curve that is made with the "through points" tool will have curvature continuity throughout it, but continuity means how curvature values match up at one particular point, it doesn't mean how curvature is distributed and how rapidly it changes.

There is a slight tendency for the curvature to get kind of "bunched up" a little bit near each of the interpolated points.

In the future I would like to have some different options for a "through points" curve that would try to distribute curvature more evenly.

- Michael