Hi DesuDeus, it's looking great!
> Maybe I should output quad + tri because C4D smooth
> tag does not fix everything.
Did you mention above that you were using .lwo format?
I don't think that Cinema4D will read vertex normals from .lwo format, since they are kind of a much newer (and not well documented) optional chunk inside of that format. LWO format tends to be best to go into Modo or LightWave.
For Cinema4D I'd recommend trying OBJ format, which should probably solve your smoothing glitches because C4D will read the vertex normals from OBJ files and use them for shading, which tends to give much cleaner and smoother shading since those normals come from the original NURBS model and are not just produced by averaging polygon normals together.
There's also an alternate Cinema4D OBJ importer plugin called Riptide which is available for free from here: http://skinprops.com/riptide.php , which will also import colors from OBJ files which the standard importer does not do.
- Michael