New lighting model WIP

 From:  Michael Gibson
2801.87 In reply to 2801.86 
Hi vodkamartini,

> and it sounds like you're trying to make it more user
> friendly than Rhino's vector + diffuse + spec inputs.

Yes, definitely! The one that you show there is kind of a disaster as far as usability is concerned.

You actually could not even do the one I'm currently messing with in MoI there because it's made up of 12 lights - 1 key light, then 10 low intensity fill lights distributed evenly between 2 locations, and then one additional fill.

It can help a lot to have some distributed ranges of lights, and it's not so convenient to try and manage a bunch of those individually listed in a dialog.

What I'm hoping to do is to have 2 sliders which you can adjust, one for the intensity of the key light, and another for the combined intensity of the 11 fill lights. But I have not got that quite set up yet.

The current script interface for setting the light direction (moi.view.lightDirection) still works to set the direction of the key light and the fill lights will move relative to it when it is altered.

- Michael