New lighting model WIP

 From:  neo
2801.73 In reply to 2801.72 
>I agree on this one, I like the form im 200% a graphic and design guy. But I think that MoI as already too much function over form.
>MoI website says "MoI, 3D Modeling for Designers and Artists" I think that designers need
>good looking env maps (auxpecker author is a product designer in china)
>The "Artists" part is already mission complete because MoI is simple and powerfull so Artists can work on MoI.

Not my place but I TOTALLY disagree...

How is the sweep tool working for you? Do you really think materials, environment setting are more important for designers than tools like surface editing, dimensioning tools etc.?

(There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. —C.A.R. Hoare)

MoI as it stand now it does fall in the first category BUT it could go the "Rhino way" (if we not careful what we wish/demand) Look Rhino V4 for example, is a Bloatware IMO...The developers Instead on focusing how to improve the Boolean tools they come up with Real Time shadows...Instead of improving the import/export file formats...they develop the nXt render engine. Not to mention the other animals in the jungle :)
The bottom line is Rhino could have been the best Modeler out there BUT...

Anyway I hope MoI develops to a KICK ASS Specialized Tool...Nothing Less Nothing More.