New lighting model WIP

 From:  Michael Gibson
2801.24 In reply to 2801.15 
Hi okapi,

> Regarding the object color, could there be an option
> to turn the color on for the surfaces / for surfcaes+lines /
> for lines only (with neutral surface colors).

I do have an idea that I want to have some kind of display override option, probably some kind of dropdown in the View palette, that would allow you to switch the display between some different modes like "Normal" (meaning use style color), "Matte", "Shiny Blue", "Zebra stripes", etc....

I think that would provide for the kind of thing you are mentioning here.

However, I'm not sure about finishing that up for the v2 timeframe, my current plan was to have that in v3 when I had a chance to set up a few different kinds of display options and possibly have some kind of system to set up custom modes.

So for v2 that may not be available.

One other option you could do without that would be to set up various styles so that you had different categories but set them all to have the same color. Then you can maintain your organization but without seeing colors, and then you can edit the style colors at the end to produce the output colors.

- Michael