New lighting model WIP

 From:  vodkamartini
2801.118 In reply to 2801.117 
Thanks, Michael. As Danny mentioned, the method you suggested requires one to constantly reassign new edges. I realize it was only a temporary solution and that you will allow us to override the edge display, so all's well in the end. The ability to do those kinds of selections is very cool, btw. I think you've done a great job with the organizer.

I agree with Danny about the lack of contrast when surfaces and edges share the same color. It would definitely be nice to show those edge colors in a wireframe mode, but with surface shading on it tends to distract me (it feels like the edges are highlighted/selected). I'm curious what you think the advantage is. In terms of functionality, I think it's nicer to have surface edges black and free standing curves/objects colored because I can immediately see where the generating curves are, or curves that I may have extracted off of surface edges via copy/paste, etc. I don't mind if surfaces are assigned the same color as their generating curves, but I think the edges of that surface shouldn't be. Maybe this could be a toggle? I dunno.

Anyway, I like the reverse methodology Danny suggested. Edges display as black until you manually assign them a style. It just seems like a better default, in my humble opinion.