New lighting model WIP

 From:  Michael Gibson
2801.117 In reply to 2801.115 
> The reason for black edges is not purely for aesthetics, it
> gives a positive contrast between surface colour and edges,
> you could say it's a modeling aid, visually it gives a clear
> indication of the surface structure and shows up any minor
> discrepancies better.

I can't really think of a case where black edges would show discrepancies better.

Do you have an example where you can show that?

> Will we have the option to have default colour for edges,
> because I see your procedure above in reverse being easier,

Yeah the way I was describing above is just how you can set it up right now if you want.

I am going to be looking next into some methods for overriding different attributes of the display so you could have the option to for example have all edges drawn in black instead of in their style colors.

> Just one more thing, I still can't think why you would
> want to assign a name to an edge, does anyone do it ?

Probably not right now, but if you find yourself needing to select the same set of edges many times, then you can assign them a name to more easily select them with the browser the next time you need to do it.

By having edges behave simliar to a full object (being able to have a name, style, hide, lock, etc...), it gives it this ability to participate as a "named selection set" if you need that.

Similarly it has been useful to be able to select edges and hide them to get them out of the way visually the same as you would hide other objects to get them out of the way. That's all part of having edges behave in a similar way as a regular object.

- Michael