New lighting model WIP

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2801.115 In reply to 2801.111 
Hi Michael,

> But note that you can get black edges right now
> if you want, just select all edges (quick way is to
> go to the scene browser / Types and click on the
> text part for the "Edges" entry), and assign them
> to a style that has color=black.

That's a possibility, the only thing is, every time you create new bodies and preform Boolean operations you have to go through the procedure again.

The reason for black edges is not purely for aesthetics, it gives a positive contrast between surface colour and edges, you could say it's a modeling aid, visually it gives a clear indication of the surface structure and shows up any minor discrepancies better.

I tend to find having the edges the same colour as the body colour a bit distracting. There is this option in other modeling programs.

Will we have the option to have default colour for edges, because I see your procedure above in reverse being easier, edges are default colour and if a style is wanted for some edges then you can isolate that body select all edges using 'type' and assign a style.

Just one more thing, I still can't think why you would want to assign a name to an edge, does anyone do it ?
