New lighting model WIP

 From:  Michael Gibson
2801.105 In reply to 2801.103 
Hi David,

> Could be the new lighting modes a problem with an older graphic cards?

Actually one of the cool things about this display stuff is that it is compatible with old cards as well, it should work all the way back to the original Radeon or GeForce1 cards.

All the screenshots that I posted are from a Radeon 9600 Pro card which is 6 years old.

I've tested it here on a Radeon 7500 and a Geforce2, which are very old - and actually you should upgrade to something newer if you have one of those because you can get something several generations newer and much faster for only about $30.

I think you would need to go back to about a 10 year old card for it to not work. I'm not sure yet about other than ATI or nVidia cards though, it is possible that some other systems like Intel integrated graphics may not have the support needed until somewhat more recently than that. If a card does not support what is needed, it will fall back to the old style basic lighting and all those new settings will not do anything in that case.

But it is likely that if you have a good enough graphics card to run MoI well now, that it should work fine for these new display options as well.

- Michael