[Request] Line from Center point :)

 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.47 In reply to 2782.40 
Hi Tony,

> Actually I was thinking of a non UI based command that
> I could assign to a shortcut. No icon stuff at this time.

The basic functions of that are fulfilled already with that custom cline command...

If you need to get the menu to pop up on an already existing cline, it is not too difficult to just draw a new cline snapped on to it, use the menu on the new one, and then delete the old one.

> Just a persistent version of the on the fly cline complete with
> mini menu (okay that's ui too but it already exists in some form).
> But perhaps that is too much to ask though :-(

Yes, normally doing a "non icon" command tends to be something that I put in that does not require a whole lot of UI design work for it.

Things that require more UI design (in general, whether with icon or not) I will tend to wait and try to handle those more carefully rather than putting them in as a quick shortcut launched only command.

- Michael