[Request] Line from Center point :)

 From:  -ash-
2782.40 In reply to 2782.32 
>> UI design is one of the most difficult and time consuming things that I work on, really.

Absolutely, and you are one of the few software engineers I have come across that understands this. In my time as an Interaction/Interface designer I found that a willingness to spend the time on the interaction (tends to be called workflow these days for some reason) and then on the interface to control that interaction, is very rare. It was the great interaction that first sold me on MoI.

>> Well, quite a lot to a good job designing the UI and various mechanisms to try and keep
>> the overall program UI simple and not get bogged down with feature bloat...

>>...but there is not really any hope to be able to actually finish this for v2 at all though

Actually I was thinking of a non UI based command that I could assign to a shortcut. No icon stuff at this time. Just a persistent version of the on the fly cline complete with mini menu (okay that's ui too but it already exists in some form). But perhaps that is too much to ask though :-(

Ever hopeful.


(aka HamSoles)