[Request] Line from Center point :)

 From:  -ash-
2782.19 In reply to 2782.18 
Hi, Michael,

I know that getting a patent is both expensive and time consuming so I'm not surprised that you aren't getting involved with that :-)

I know what you mean about the 2 point guides - this is what annoys me most about CorelDraw, only one point (in the version I'm using anyway). Back in the late 80''s, early 90's I use an app called Illustrator II from a company called Intercap. Is was a dedicated technical illustration system and ran on Apollo workstations. It had a brilliant guidelines system, including 2 point lines, circles, etc. I still miss it sometimes.

>> There are still a few unresolved UI issues about making an "official" permanent construction line mechanism,
>> like should you be able to select construction lines somehow so you could remove a particular one? At the
>> moment there is not any infrastructure in place for that part.

Er - I can do this now in the latest beta - click on construction line, shows up as a default style, press delete. Click and drag construction line to move it. Just need a built in command to add a permanent construction line. Or am I missing something?

What doesn't happen is that the line gets highlighted and there is no access to the right click menu to rotate etc. Would be nice to have that too.


(aka HamSoles)