Very clear and very nicely done, Bernard! Great use of graphic screenshots to make it easy to follow.
Your English is extremely good! Your sentence structure is especially good because you keep your sentences not too long and keep to the point - this greatly increases clarity. The only phrasing I found just a little bit odd was "these are just indicative values" - maybe "sample values" ? Also "Desactivate" -> "Deactivate". Anyway, even these are not really an issue since they did not at all cloud your communication.
One quick note on the pick-in-3D-view versus pick-in-ortho-view issue (where picking in the ortho view projects it to make it planar). This is controlled by the "Project to plane in ortho views" setting, which you can set in Object snap options - right now it is under the Object snap button, go to the little pop-up menu and chose "Option snap options" at the top of that menu. (Sooner or later I'm going to move all these into a single options dialog).
I'm still not really sure if the default for this should be on or off. Having it on makes it easy to draw planar shapes in the top/front/right views, but harder to snap on to 3D points...
- Michael