Hi Burr, that's actually in the moi.ini file, see:
But in v2 that does not apply to curves anymore, the curve color is now taken from the style instead of from that moi.ini setting.
At the moment the .ini setting for surfaces is used, but soon that will also change to use the color from the assigned style as well.
> Might there be a way to do this in the UI Scene Browser
> when all that work gets finished
Yup, actually that works already in the scene browser - you can left click on a style's color swatch to assign the selected objects to have that style, and you can right-click on a style's swatch to set it as the "Active style", which will be what is applied by default to newly drawn objects.
So for example if you want to have your objects default to red when you draw them, open up the Scene Browser and go to the Styles section and right-click on the color swatch for the Red style. You'll see a ring appear around the active style, and now when you draw some curves you should see that they are red when you first create them.
- Michael