MoI - Big Wishlist thread - Post your wishes here

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
275.144 In reply to 275.140 
Hey Igor, where did you dig this thread from ? It's like pulling out an old photo album on MoI as a baby :)

Ok, while I'm here, I wish for peace on earth...............Oh! MoI wishes.

Hi Michael,
There is one feature I do like from other modeling programs and does come in handy for repair work and that is, enlarge a surface.
In it's simplest form you pick a surface and it creates an untrimmed copy of the original surface, which would be one thing. In it's advanced form once you pick a surface, an untrimmed copy is created but then you have U and V sliders to enlarge or shrink that copied surface.
Is this possible with the geometry library MoI uses ?
