MoI - Big Wishlist thread - Post your wishes here

 From:  Michael Gibson
275.141 In reply to 275.140 
Hi Igor - those are great wishes, and they do actually fit in well with where I want to try and take MoI in the future.

I do generally want to add in a category of what I would call "communication" type features - things that can help you communicate your design to other people. Those kinds of functions can benefit many kinds of artists as well! That term "Artist" I tend to use rather loosely.

A bunch of things like being able to generate line drawings, do some basic dimensions and printing will kind of fit into this general "design communication" area, which I do want to explore!

It's hard to know exactly when all this will happen though, probably some bits and pieces will come together over time.

I think there is a good chance to use the scene browser as an area of UI to hold some of these things though, like you are showing there! That will probably help quite a bit since one of the major problems with adding in new stuff is trying to figure out where to place it in the UI so that it does not mess things up too much.

- Michael