MoI - Big Wishlist thread - Post your wishes here

 From:  Michael Gibson
275.138 In reply to 275.136 
Hi Crusoe,

> as you can't denote which edges should be creased in a OBJ file.

There is information in the OBJ file about which edges of a model are sharp, and which are smooth.

It sounds like you want an option for sharp edges to have a sub-d crease, and smooth edges to not have a sub-d crease.

All of this information is available to the sub-d modeler, so it seems like this is a feature that the sub-d modeler should provide for you - "make creases on sharp poly edges".

It's better for them to do that since that way they will provide this functionality on the OBJ files imported from any application that writes them correctly.

Maybe you might get better results if you export a non-welded mesh and use your modeler's merge points function, if that has an option to automatically apply creases when it is merging points together.

- Michael