MoI - Big Wishlist thread - Post your wishes here

 From:  3dvisuals dude (ODWYERVISUALS)
275.122 In reply to 275.109 
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you both (Michael and Frenchy Pilou) SO MUCH for making this happen for me!!! This capability in MoI opens up (as Frenchy Pilou put it) "infinite possibilities!" AWESOME!!!

This whole thread portion in retrospective ( 275.105 through 275.114) opens up two VERY amazing possibilities within MoI.. for instance:

1) The potential clearly now exists through this same method of making 3D fractals within MoI !!!

By using this method and alternating it with a combination of current MoI scaling and mirroring/symmetry commands (manually or within a script) one may now readily create both scalar and directional/symmetrical itterations of any object within MoI - "MOI 3D FRACTALS" !!!!!!

(I am "psyched" about this!!!)

2) At the end of that thread portion (275.111 through 275.114) the discussion which ensued between JTB and Petr / tyglik gave me an additional idea I'd like to bounce off of Michael...

Michael... how about:

...a single icon which when clicked opens up a simple child window with a filedialog where a user may:

A) Select any existing custom command script (like the command you gave us all here in response to Frenchy Pilou's request)

B) Select a "MoI-friendly icon" for it

C) Add a BRIEF custom command name to it

D) Assign all this to a scrollable "Custom Commands Launchpad" area within this very same window.

This, in my mind at least, would take a load off of you with respect to future balancing of your existing (and highly desireable, I should add) "Minimalist" approach to the MoI GUI Design, and the increasing/inevitable requests for more and more new commands from the power users.

What do you think about the idea?

- 3dvisuals dude