Punch holes

 From:  Grendel
Here is one way to quickly automate the bores for your wire to pass through the plates. You will need the plugin mentioned in this thread: http://moi3d.com/forum/messages.php?webtag=MOI&msg=2755.1

1- draw a straight line on center of your skull profiles to trim them in half. I noticed your profiles are not symetrical but it is close enough.

2- This will make a 2d point cloud for you to use the copy to points script mentioned above.

3- delete half of your skul profile for easy selection later.

4-5 add a cylinder on center with a large enough diameter for your wires to pass through. These will be the holes you will be punching through the dividers.

6-7 select all your profiles and turn on "show points" and then select all the points on the centerline and copy and paste them.

8- select all your profile lines and then hide them. Now you see the point locations on your plane.

9- run the "copytopoints" script selecting the cylinder and the points and it will replicate the cylinders on all the points.

10-11 You now end up with this result and you start booleans to remove the cylinders from the plate leaving result 11.

I hope this helps. This is kind of similar to kids putting lots of nails in boards and wrapping different color string around them to make geometric patterns.

EDITED: 6 Jul 2009 by GRENDEL
