Punch holes

 From:  angven (ANGELO)
2749.24 In reply to 2749.21 
Hi Pilou, thank you for all the strugle.

I attached some photos from old pieces only to show how I've been working with "slices".

This skull from 1996 was made with iron wire glued over glass slices, the MOI piece will be constructed also with wire but with 160 planes and not 11 as this one. If I use glass planes as support the transparency disappears, 160 slices would be a green opaque block of glass. So... I think of "sew" the wires trough plexiglass planes, these planes will be drilled on a router with the drawing that I'm trying to produce with the help of MOI. (this was the worst English phrase of the day!)
Another piece uses glass panels with salt stain (actually crystalized salted water).
And there is a self-portrait made of MDF cuts.

Thank you for now (time to sleep).
