Conic curves and surface

 From:  Michael Gibson
2746.14 In reply to 2746.13 
Hi Burr, actually it does work like that so you may like to use the value in that way.

For example here is one with Rho = 0.5 :

And here Rho = 0.6 :

And here Rho = 0.8 :

As the value moves towards 0 it becomes flatter, here is Rho = 0.01 :

The category of conic section is also related to the Rho value.

With Rho = 0.5, the curve is a segment of a parabola.

With Rho > 0.5 and < 1, the curve is a segment of a hyperbola.

With Rho < 0.5, the curve is a segment of an ellipse.

- Michael