Hi Micha,
> And now I have seen that there is an other name problem.
> If the object name is "A B C", than the OBJ mesh is named "A"
> only. So, three object with the name "A 1", "A 2" and "A 3" are
> joined together to one mesh with the name "A".
I see - actually what is happening here is that MoI is setting the full object name in the OBJ file, but anything after a space is not being read in by Rhino. That's probably going to be a common problem as "group" identifiers in an OBJ file are not supposed to have spaces in them. I think I should automatically replace spaces in object names with underscore _ characters for OBJ export by default.
It should be possible to modify that script to do that now though, I'll take a look.
Then once it is imported into Rhino the script on the Rhino side will need to take this replacement into account - when it scans through the names of layers to try and find a match it should not compare the object name with the full layer name but rather compare it with the layer name that has been modified to also have spaces replaced with underscores.
- Michael