
 From:  -ash-
2717.13 In reply to 2717.12 
Hi everyone, back from hols now. We had a great time but was way too hot for me, was really hoping to get some walking in but went out on Saturday afternoon and had to come back after only 45 mins! Then I came out in a heat rash. So spent the rest of the holiday touring around in the car - thank goodness for air conditioning. We're just not used to these temperatures here in Scotland. We took jumpers, waterproof overtrousers, cagoules, even an umbrella and never used them :-)

Burrman, no models so here are some photos:

Lochcarron where we were staying:

This is as far as I got on a walk before turning back due to being too hot.

This is the start of Bealach na Ba (Pass of the Cattle) very steep single track road up to the summit (2053 feet). No other places to stop and take pictures though.

And we met this guy on the Isle of Skye :-)

Dave, I'll try and find the time to re-do my interface after the V2 release. Trouble is we'll all be using V3 betas by then and be back to square one ;-)


(aka HamSoles)