Could you update moi.idl?

 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
2715.8 In reply to 2715.2 

I haven't had much luck with your suggestion of using OleView to get moi.idl updates directly from the code. I downloaded the package that you linked to in your response, but it pops up an error saying that it could not find IVIEWERS.DLL. Googling the error reveals that this is a known problem, tough luck, no known solution. Further googling reveals that there is an OleView MFC sample program included with VS 2008. I downloaded and built it, but no joy with this version of the code either, although I get a different (but related) error message when I try to view the type lib for moi_lib.dll.

Any suggestions?

BTW, although I haven't worked on it for a couple of months, the docs are about 70% done and I decided that although I probably won't have time to get it to 100%, what I have finished is actually pretty useful and could probably be released in its current state. Before doing that, I thought I would try to update the doc with the new interfaces I suspect you added in the August 8 beta update, since even if I don't comment the API, the raw API will still show up in the document without comments...

- Dave Morrill