Hi Dave,
> Depending upon how things go, I'll probably have a
> few big picture questions, and lots of detail oriented
> questions, for you at some point.
Yes, please feel free to ask questions like this!
Since you're familiar with HTML/CSS/Javascript already you'll probably feel pretty at home with tinkering around with MoI's UI in general.
The main thing that can be a problem is that I'm also making changes to things in new releases to support new features, etc... So if you customize it extensively you'll need to merge your customizations into my changes for each new release.
I do have some ideas on modularizing things to a somewhat greater extent, like for example if a side pane palette (like Draw curve / Draw solid) was more encapsulated into its own file rather than all baked into SidePane.htm, then that would make it easier to have less merging needed in SidePane.htm . But it's hard to get the time to work on this currently with a lot of more "regular end user" features in the pipe.
- Michael