bim and ifc

 From:  Michael Gibson
2709.2 In reply to 2709.1 
Hi WO - actually MoI is not specifically designed only for architecture, it's more of a general purpose modeler used in a variety of different fields.

There are definitely some architects using it, but also jewelers, 3D animators, people doing CNC routing, Industrial designers, and more...

BIM and IFC are really specialized only for the field of architecture, you're not currently going to find such things that are highly specialized for one particular industry currently in MoI - so no MoI does not really work exactly like one of those architecture specific software packages that you mentioned.

But you may find MoI to be useful for architecture work simply because it has a really nice and quick interface for creating shapes easily. You can use it in combination with other industry-specific software and export your geometry.

If you want to see more about how MoI works, I would recommend downloading the trial version so you can give it a try yourself, that is available from here:

Also there are some videos available that you can watch to get an overview of the workflow and see some examples:

- Michael