Move face

 From:  Michael Gibson
2664.8 In reply to 2664.7 
Hi Danny,

> Yeah, when you don't want a Boolean operation at all.

Yup, but for that one there could be a checkbox like "Auto Boolean" or something like that so you could turn it off, rather than a dropdown with several modes.

Although for curves even that may not be necessary - I was thinking that with curves it would be possible to do a built-in boolean if you selected both a solid and some curves that were on a face of the solid when you did the extrusion.

Having the solid selected could be the trigger for that - if you didn't want for the boolean to happen then you just select only the curves and not the solid as well.

But that would not really work for extruding a face rather than curves, since you can't really select a face and also the whole solid that the face belongs to at once...

> It's usually a step by step operation, the Boolean selection would
> always be reset to 'None'

I see, but that means you would always need to be manipulating that UI setting every time you wanted to do one of these, that might be inconvenient if you wanted to do a bunch in a row or something...

- Michael