Hi Tbahn, I'm glad that you like MoI!
> I add some problem to know if points are snap to a curve,
> would it be interesting to have a circle over the points to see
> that it's x,y,z snap on that curve ?
Actually you should already be seeing an indicator show up when you snap the point on there originally.
For example if you're drawing a curve, if the point that you are currently placing is snapped on to another object, there will be a tag displayed like "On", "End", "Mid", etc.. , like this:
After you have finished drawing an object, MoI does not really maintain the knowledge of what object it was snapped on to, so it is not really easy for me to change the display if you turn the points on later on.
> Another wish, a «view plan» that cut the working area in
> x, y,z to see inside objet à la
You mean what is sometimes called a "clipping plane", which cuts away pieces of objects in the display?
I'd like to add that in the future at some point, and it is on the wishlist (
http://moi3d.com/wiki/Wishlist), but it may take some time before I'll be able to add that one, it will require a fair amount of UI to support it to manage the planes, etc...
Often times things that involve additional UI tend to be time consuming for me to add since I'm trying very hard to keep MoI have a kind of light feel to the UI, which is easy to lose if I just add too many things to it without carefully considering where they should go.
- Michael