New stretch function for v2.0?

 From:  Daddi
Hi, Michael!

I just bought a license for MoI v 1.1 because I simply love the user interface. Easily the best 3D CAD user interface on the market (and I've tried several...)!

I just wanted to point out that I'm missing a function that was available in 2D AutoCAD; a stretch function that enables you to select what part of an object that should be stretched leaving the ends untouched (if you understand what I mean). You select the object that should be strecthed and then you define a line (2D) or a plane (3D) intersecting the object where you want the stretch to be executed. After this, you select a scaling (stretching) factor, or a base point and a "strech to" point.

Is it possible to add such a strecth function to the 2.0 release? I think it would improve the workflow even more. Or, maybe the function already exists, but I've not discovered it?

My best regards, and thanks for the great work!

//David Kaplan, Sweden