Weird fillet (V2 Beta )

 From:  Michael Gibson
2637.2 In reply to 2637.1 
Hi dooki, thanks for reporting this issue.

It's hard for me to tell what may be going wrong just by looking at a screenshot though - can you possibly upload the .3dm model file or e-mail it to me at if you want to keep it private?

If I can examine the actual geometry it may help me to figure out what is going wrong.

If the fillet is correct on the other side then possibly one workaround for the moment would be to delete the bad fillet and mirror the other one over and join it in, which would then repair this model.

Or maybe I'm not quite understanding the problem - is the fillet constructed ok in MoI and you only see the problem in the exported mesh object? If so then that sounds like it may be a problem in the mesher rather than the filleter.

There are a lot of different possibilities for what could be going wrong, so seeing the actual model data would be a big help in figuring it out.

- Michael