SAT export of spheres into Revit

 From:  Michael Gibson
2634.9 In reply to 2634.8 
Hi igor,

> There's no workable method, unfortunately.. if you import sat
> into Autocad from MoI - Autocad is NOT ABLE to export MoI
> file to SAT at all..

Well, once you have imported it into AutoCAD, it is should now be AutoCAD compatible data in memory, it is longer really a "MOI SAT" file at that point.

But what do you mean exactly - do you mean that AutoCAD does not generate an SAT file at all when trying to do an export of that data? Or that the generated SAT does not transfer into Revit?

If it is the latter (SAT file does not go into Revit), then that would be a good example to send to Autodesk for them to reproduce the bug.

Save the data from AutoCAD as a DWG file, so that they will be able to easily reproduce the problem by loading the DWG into AutoCAD, generating an SAT from AutoCAD and then trying to import that SAT into Revit.

- Michael