Hi Michael,
Sorry you had to download that big.. Revit 2010 is a very sad example of how a good program is being screwed up entirely by Adsk. before 2010 we had beautiful interface and you only would download 350 mb.. now its 1.4gb. Whats there? who knows))
There's no workable method, unfortunately.. if you import sat into Autocad from MoI - Autocad is NOT ABLE to export MoI file to SAT at all..
To put things simple - Revit accepts all SAT files exported out of all known by me apps EXCEPT those exported out of MoI
This is kind of opposite of what burr saying)) and is also true..
And one more finding (as I stated above) - Why cannot I export MoI Sat file from AutoCAD(2008)? - there must be something wrong with the autocad exporter this time..