SAT export of spheres into Revit

 From:  Michael Gibson
2634.6 In reply to 2634.5 
Hi igor,

> and indeed Autocad sats work flawlessly

But if that is the case, then you should actually have a workable method currently - just import your model into AutoCAD first. The SAT importer in AutoCAD seems to work fine, at least when I tested with AutoCAD 2008, it did not seem to have any problems importing those SAT files you posted.

Then once your data has been imported into AutoCAD, export from AutoCAD to a new SAT file, and use this new file for importing into Revit.

If that still does not work, then you have a good example that you can send to Autodesk where saving from AutoCAD into Revit does not work. Just once you have the data inside of AutoCAD, save it as a DWG file and send that DWG file to them for testing.

> But what I also thought about is we might overcome this problem
> if MoI had 3D dwg exporter (in solids mode)
> (which in itself all the same write acis solids but then wrap it up
> into dwg..)

Unfortunately this is a quite difficult task - Autodesk does not actually publish any information on how the DWG format is structured. They have kept that private and actually done things to discourage other programs from trying to read and write to that format directly.

They do publish information on how DXF files are structured, but unfortunately only for basic entities like lines and circles, the ACIS 3D solid data is just labeled as a bug chunk of numbers that are labeled "proprietary data".

There is a library that may be possible for me to license in the future to help with reading and writing to DWG, but it is fairly expensive. And even with the library I expect for it to be quite a lot of work to tackle the problem, so I'm not sure when that may happen even with the library to assist.

Then also I'm not sure if I understand how this would help with transfer into Revit. Does Revit also allow for bringing in solids from DWG format as well as SAT? If so then you may try importing your MoI models into AutoCAD, then save as DWG and see if that DWG file goes into Revit better than the SAT data saved directly from MoI.

... I've just finished installing Revit which was pretty painful - 1.5GB download, and now I must reboot my machine... But it may help me to take a look.

- Michael