SAT export of spheres into Revit

 From:  Michael Gibson
2634.4 In reply to 2634.3 
Hi Igor - some more notes on wireframe appearance differences.

The wireframe of a sphere looks different when you create a sphere directly inside of AutoCAD because it creates it as special "sphere primitive" object, and it draws those special kinds of objects with a special wireframe density.

When you import SAT data into AutoCAD from MoI, it comes over as a "generic NURBS surface" type, which gets a slightly different kind of a display in AutoCAD (it is categorized as a different class of object even though it is exactly the same shape as a sphere).

You can adjust the "ISOLINES" system variable to change how the wireframe in AutoCAD is drawn - for example if you type in ISOLINES 8 <enter> and then do a regen, you will see a denser wireframe over your model.

The SAT files created from spheres drawn in AutoCAD also get created as special "sphere-surface" entities inside of the SAT file saved from AutoCAD. This special kind of surface definition seems to work better with Revit, it seems to avoid some kind of bug in Revit that may involve processing general NURBS surfaces that are surfaces of revolution.

Ideally you would be able to export sphere-surface entities to SAT from MoI as well if the WriteAnalyticSurfaces=y is set in the moi.ini file, but that appears to not be working currently. I'll try to find out from the export library's author if this part can be fixed up, that would probably give the best chance for making it work.

Otherwise, you may want to submit some of these SAT files to Autodesk as a bug report for Revit, so that they have some examples to test with to see if they need to fix a problem in Revit's importer, which seems likely.

- Michael