Hi Igor,
Thanks for running those tests... That rules out a couple of possibilities.
I didn't know that Revit had a free demo, I found where it is at so I guess I will give that a try.
> My latest findings: Rhino is not always successfull with
> spheres also - just about 85% of sat files containing booleaned
> spheres were imported sucessfully into Revit
Well, with there being problems with some spheres saved from Rhino as well, it is looking more and more like a bug in Revit's SAT importer...
Remember - it takes 2 pieces of software to do a data transfer - the exporter of course, but also the importer on the other side.
If there are any bugs in the importer code, that can also prevent data transfer from being successful.
When more than one program's output runs into the same kind of problem with a particular importer, it can tend to mean that the importer code has a problem that needs to be fixed, especially if importers in other programs handle the same data fine.
This problem seems to be fitting mostly into that category.
> Why same sphere (after boolean union) look different in wireframe
> mode in MoI depending on where the operation (boulean union) was
> performed - if in MoI - MoI is showing one type of Wireframe, if in
> Rhino - another type, <...>
I'm not sure yet - MoI does not really control the wireframe appearance in other applications.
But one difference that I did notice is that Rhino's SAT exporter will modify your object to split a single sphere surface into 2 half spheres that are joined together. That's the reason for at least one of the differences in wireframe appearance that you mentioned before (with the "arc" from MoI versus the "all the way around" edge from a Rhino export - the "all the way around" edge was due to the sphere being split into half pieces).
In that previous "test2" file, I tried splitting the sphere in MoI up into 2 pieces as well to see if that would have any effect, and it kind of did since one piece of the sphere looks like it went through now but not the other half.
One thing that would have helped somewhat with these tests is if you had a consistent model in each one - in some of your previous ones the sphere that you placed in MoI and Rhino was different because its "seam edge" was located in different areas. That resulted in some differences in topology between those models instead of them being identical tests. I'll see if I can run some test with the demo version of Revit with more identical models to try and gather some additional information.
- Michael