Hi Michael,
Thank you for reply on sat export! I think that the whole point of MoI is to be the best interoperable app, and your are getting closer to it with SKP exporter (best exporter found!) - Now its time for SAT!))
Revit is a free download from autodesk.com (30 days - trial - after that - save disabled - but fully functional!) If at some stage you'll decide to install it for tests - I'll provide you with the direct link.
There's a huge demand in revit world for software like MoI which can bring analytical surfaces into Revit, the part in which SketchUp fails explicitly..
My latest findings: Rhino is not always successfull with spheres also - just about 85% of sat files containing booleaned spheres were imported sucessfully into Revit (partly maybe becase I used same 3dm files in both apps)
(What we see in rhino (10 options for sat) is an attempt in the right direction, but not full.)
Autocad 3d sat export into revit - 100% successful!! I use it now for modelling - but its so damn user unfriendly! and not everything can be modelled in autocad - would love to use MoI more instead..!
What I would first look at as a 3dm-sat exporter owner - (but only assuming that surface definition is somehow relevant to how wireframe for an object is build for view) Why same sphere (after boolean union) look different in wireframe mode in MoI depending on where the operation (boulean union) was performed - if in MoI - MoI is showing one type of Wireframe, if in Rhino - another type, if in AutoCad - yet another AND other wirefames of adjasent shapes are always consistent!
Pls see attached the results for your test files (tested on WinXP and Vista, in revit 2009 and revit 2010)