SAT export of spheres into Revit

 From:  igor
2634.18 In reply to 2634.17 
Hi Michael!

Thank you very much for your help!

My last report..)

All those test sat files you provided except for one didn't get into my Revit correctly..

But I experimented with seams as you advised and out of 20 variants - 2 work fine for me now - and I found some rules to follow which seem producing predictable results

Also if I split the sphere into two parts rotate seems and boolean union those part back into sphere - it works fine as well!

Dgn sounds like a good alternative for sat in aec, although it is not yet understood if this format is superior to sat or inferior (in terms of ability to correctly transfer nurbs)
Hopefully 3dm finds its way into aec very soon, cause sat is so conditional (at times))

ps thanks to neo for help also!
