Hi Igor - also note that it appears that the reason why your previous example from Rhino worked was that you happened to have the "seam edge" of the sphere in that file located in a different place than the one that causes a problem with Revit.
Your previous file RhinoCreated.3dm looks like this:
While your previously posted file MoICreated.3dm looks like this:
Note the different placement of the sphere's "seam edge" (indicated in red) between those 2 examples - for whatever reason Revit does not like the placement that you used in the second example.
It is this difference that explains why you were getting different results between exporting from MoI or from Rhino - it did not really have much to do with SAT options, it had to do with the seam placement.
If I take your file "RhinoCreated.3dm", and open it with MoI and write an SAT file out from MoI, that SAT file then goes into Revit fine:
So try to be aware of where that seam of your sphere is placed at, and try to avoid placing it right along the edge of the object it is being booleaned to and that should hopefully avoid the problems in Revit that do not handle that arrangement of edges well.
- Michael