SAT export of spheres into Revit

 From:  Michael Gibson
2634.13 In reply to 2634.11 
Hi neo,

That's great news that there is a Rhino importer coming for Inventor. Yes that should benefit MoI as well since MoI uses the same 3DM file format.

I hope they do implement that for Revit as well, that would certainly be a big help.

> Hi Michael Is the library you talk about the RealDWG ?

Well, actually I was talking about OpenDWG. I took a look at RealDWG and the licensing terms were not going to work out for me, too many restrictions and things like approval of the product was needed. So that only really leaves OpenDWG for what I can use.

But the whole thing is such a messy area to work with, that I may just not really be able to support it at all, I'm not really sure yet.

> It may be a solution if MoI was to support just the DGN file format.
> Bentley's OpenDGN Initiative

I'm not sure if that would work or not - does OpenDGN support general trimmed NURBS surfaces and solids?

I would like to check if it did, but the file format specification does not seem to be openly downloadable with a public download link. It says "To access the V8 DGN specification document, certain conditions must be met:", and there is some mention of faxing a request form to get the specification which seems really quite odd to me for an "open" format.

That's already making things more complicated than necessary, not really a good sign!

Maybe in the future when I have opened things up so that third parties can extend MoI more easily with import/export plugins, someone with more patience than me will be able to develop a plugin for some of these things.

- Michael