Move object by xyz coordinate ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
2629.13 In reply to 2629.11 
Hi Igor,

> I was adjsuting points vertically according to some
> pattern(rule), and it was mush easier for me to input
> absolute coordinates than use move tool..

I don't think I saw your example... If you can post it that would probably help to illustrate it better than just a text description.

But the Move tool in MoI is pretty versatile, you can use it for placing a point at an absolute x,y,z location (just type in the x,y,z value for the target point), as well as for doing offsets.

For doing an offset you just activate the "distance constraint" by typing in a single number (other than 0, that is a shortcut for 0,0,0) rather than a coordinate value.

Similarly there is also "angle constraint" which helps you lock your target point to a specific angle value from the base point.

Both distance and angle constraint work in a similar way through a variety of commands - for example when drawing a line they are also available in the same way as they are in the Move command, to make it possible to draw a line of a specific length or angle, etc...

Probably as you use MoI for doing some more complex models, more of these things will start to make better sense to you - there is a lot of precision control that is gained by the way that MoI is structured to draw things.

- Michael