Hi igor,
> but I believe it should better show selected object(point) coordinates
Objects are usually constructed out of a multitude of different points, in the general case there is not just one special point that defines an object.
For example, which point would you display for this object:
> It is a common practice for high precision apps to have these
> input fields for each coordinate (see illustrator or 3ds!).
Actually the most commonly used application for high precision drafting is AutoCAD, which does not have separate input fields.
There are a lot of advantages to a single "command-line" input field which would be lost with a separate entry for each coordinate.
- Entering a single "0" <enter> as a shortcut for 0,0,0 would be lost.
- Entering just x and y coordinates (like 5,3) and being able to leave out z would be lost.
- Being able to enter different formats than cartesian like polar coordinates (for example 5<45 means polar coordinates of distance 5, angle 45 from previous point) would be lost.
- Being able to enter in relative coordinates easily, like r5,2 (displace by 5 units in x and 2 in y from previous point while drawing a polyline) would be lost.
These are some reasons why the most commonly used high precision drawing app does not have separate fields.
> So my suggestion for Michael would be as I said above to make
> a few adjustments in the ui to allow for direct coord. input
The adjustments that you are talking about would remove functionality, and therefore be a step backwards.
> Otherwise its display useless - what I need mouse coordinates for?
It helps you generally see what area of space you are looking out at, you can glance there if you want to know if for example you are in some view way off in outer space.
> ps we actually can do it now - but this is so awkward!
Not really! Just run the Move command, pick your base point, and type in your target point, and you're done!
It's really pretty simple and quick...
> the implication of this change would also be to make yet
> another input field for commands.. and there's still room
> for command line input on the right..
I wish that were true, but on a 1024x768 screen there is actually very little room available to the right.
Please don't make the mistake of thinking that your particular screen configuration is the one that is the one seen by every single user... Different users may have smaller screens that yours and the changes that you are talking about could easily make things work very poorly on their screens.
- Michael