curve array enhancement

 From:  Michael Gibson
2626.7 In reply to 2626.6 
Hi Pilou, sorry I didn't understand - I thought you had some "Point" objects (created by Draw curve / More / Point). But it seems that you are talking about all control points?

If you would like to have some points you can use Draw curve / More / Point to place points at the end of each segment there, just make sure that Object Snap is enabled so you can get an "End" snap when you place the point.

But I don't really know why you want those points - is it to draw a polyline between them like that other message I showed previously did?

If so then you don't need to do that - just draw a polyline and use "End" object snap to snap each polyline point to the end of those segments, if you already have things split into parts you can use end snap for that rather than creating any points.

- Michael