curve array enhancement

 From:  Michael Gibson
2626.37 In reply to 2626.35 
Hi Rob - currently intersection will not find that point you are talking about because it is not an intersection between existing geometry in the scene - it would be an intersection between a circle and that point. But there is no such circle in the scene currently, if I understand the situation you are referring to.

But maybe I don't understand exactly what you are asking about there.

I think it could be possible for me to add in a kind of "implicit circle" though.

There is actually such a thing already implemented in v2 for distance constraint.

If you activate distance constraint while drawing a polyline for example (just type in a distance value and hit enter), then you will get intersection points for a circle of that radius.

Is that the kind of thing that you're talking about getting for Rotate as well?

> EDIT: If moi could do the circle technique (IE straight line
> distance between points where the circle of radius x intersects
> the line)

If I understand correctly, it needs a much different kind of solving technique to get equally spaced "chord distances" in the result rather than distance as traveled along the curve.

I believe it will need to be calculated with a kind of iterative solving technique, not one that just divides distances in a simple and even method like the current array curve does.

I would think it would be a specialized command, like "Create uniform polyline from curve". It's trying to solve a rather different problem than what Array curve is intended to do.

- Michael