Hi Danny, I've still got some stuff to finish up but I thought you might be interested to see how "PastePart" is working so far:
You can see there that it's based on the "Orientation picker" that is currently used for the CPlane command.
There are also some refinements to the orientation picker which will affect the CPlane command as well - there is now a concept of a "primary axis" in the picker, which has a marker at its tip like this:
When you drag an axis other than the primary one, it is restricted to only rotate around the primary one. You can change the primary axis by clicking on an axis rather than dragging on it.
If you snap the initial base point to be aligned to an object, then the z axis starts out as the primary axis. Otherwise if you did not align to an object (there is a new "Align to objects" checkbox that you can turn on or off) then no axis is primary to start with and the first one that you drag will become the primary one.
When you drag the primary axis, it gets to move more freely to orient towards any point rather than being restricted in its rotation like the non-primary ones are.
Here's a demo of how that looks like in practice when using the updated CPlane command. Here you can see how the primary axis changes when I click on one instead of dragging on one:
- Michael