
 From:  Michael Gibson
2593.10 In reply to 2593.9 
Hi neo,

> Hi Michael I totally understand is difficult area of work but
> I think with tools like that MoI could really bypass the
> limitations modelers have in some Nurbs environments...

Yes, I definitely agree that it would be a great thing to have, no doubt about that.

But things that are difficult take a lot of time to make happen.

I wish that just because it would be good to have it, that it would also make it easier for it to happen... But unfortunately that's just not the way things work. Difficult things remain difficult even if they are desirable.

> Also if you don't mind me asking when you say (I'd like to add
> some of those kinds of deformation tools) do you mean the Bend,
> Twist or the Lattice Rig.

I mean all of them would be good to have.

But they are also all related to the same difficult area of deforming a solid while keeping it "watertight" at trimmed edges. So they will all also probably take quite a while before they will show up in MoI. It is hard to guess at a time frame.

> While I was experimenting I stumble upon a bug, I think.

Yeah it looks like a bug where those small "seam" edges are not being handled right. I'll see if I can find out what is happening there.

- Michael