Inherit style

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2581.27 In reply to 2581.20 
"Loading the default MoI down with a bunch of different shortcut keys that are not of general use would make it _more_ esoteric, not less."

"I don't recognize the MoI philosophy that you are talking about, as far as I can tell what you are talking about is "jam in as much stuff as possible even if it is not useful to everyone" - that is the opposite of the actual Philosophy"

Who suggested that all --or any-- of those items needed to be actually downloaded/installed?------ "Jam in as much as possible"?????----- I really am dissapointed. (Obviously my 77 years of English is at fault)

Sorry if I do not accept the us and them philosophy either.

Anyway--I don't care--I only expect a few months more---I am trying to get you to understand the broad usage of MoI that COULD be universally accepted IF!

