Hi Danny,
> In what your saying with styles, I will be assigning materials
> as I'm modeling, on the fly.
Yup, that's the concept. (I just posted another example above, right at the same time you posted your last message).
However, I do also hope that they are similar enough to layers that they can be generally used in a similar way if you want to use them just for organizing things as well.
You can kind of get the idea though that you may be able to save a lot of time in by incorporating the render organization right up front.
For example say you want to Boolean some array of 100 knobs on to something. Instead of having to pick those 100 sub-pieces later on, if you assign a Style="Knob" to the original knob before arraying it you will be all done...
The original style will replicate to the array results, and then inherit to the pieces of the knobs that survive the Boolean.
- Michael